Tu B’Shevat—the birthday of the trees—is coming up, and it’s our turn to host something for our chavurah. I decided we need to do a Tu B’Shevat seder, just like we had when I was in Hebrew school. There’s only one problem—the last time I attended a Tu B’Shevat seder, I was actually in Hebrew school.
For advice, I called my friend Rabbi Leah Doberne-Schor. It turns out there are books we can order with the seder service, but she found one seder online that’s perfect young families to do together. Click here to read it.
There’s just one little thing I strongly feel we need to do differently. The author recommends using disposable Dixie cups for the childrens’ juice. I’m going to use reusable cups. After all, this is the Jewish version of Earth Day.
Great Idea!!!