Monday, October 17, 2011

Food For Thought

What does Sukkot tell us about feeding America's poorest children? Plenty, according to this essay at I'd actually like to take it a step further and say that we as Jews must actualize our responsibility to help the world's poorest people. While we have a responsibility to our neighbors in need, we can't forget that even our most desperate citizens at least have access to clean water. So while we're fighting for adequate food and health care here, let's see what we can elsewhere, too. Jewish or not, all people are God's children.

There are lots of easy ways to give, even if you feel that your budget is tight. For example, visit the World Food Programme to find out how you can spend a little money and help someone else a lot. There's no greater mitzvah than saving a life.


  1. can you post the RJ essay (or the link), please?

  2. Here's another way you can help: Sign the Jewish Petition for a Just Farm Bill at
