Wednesday, October 12, 2011

If Martha Stewart Was Jewish ...

I’m willing to bet this would be her favorite holiday. So many ways to design a sukkah and make it beautiful! So many craft projects … that I’ll never do. Because, while I’m an awesome cook (ask my husband), I am no Martha.

Good thing there are plenty of easy ways to make a sukkah pretty. I decided to go with mostly fake pumpkins, gourds and flowers because a. they won’t attract insects and pests, b. they won’t get yucky in the rain and c. they’re actually better for the environment (and, okay, cheaper) because I can use them over and over for years.
The hay bales are cute, and they’re a great place for kids to sit.
My friend Adrienne gave me the idea for the beads. She and her kids had a great time stringing beads for their sukkah, so I went and bought an assortment for Noah and myself. In the center here is the first one he made. We’ve got lots more to hang up!

This poster is more than decorative. It was given to me by Rabbi Abraham from Temple Sholom and it’s used in the Jewish tradition of ushpizin—inviting Jewish ancestors into the sukkah. At first the idea of inviting dead people over for a meal sounded more like Halloween than Jewish tradition, but this isn’t ghoulish. It’s more about making memory a part of our present.

Traditionally, the images displayed in sukkahs were of Biblical figures such as Issaac, Jacob, Abraham, Joseph—you know, men. These days, progressive Jews also include women. This poster represents several influential Jewish women, including Sarah and Miriam.

All we need now to get started is our table and chairs. We haven’t put them in yet because it’s raining. Let’s hope that stops soon.

Chag Sameach.


  1. I have been informed that Martha Stewart is Jewish. Does anyone know if this is true? If so, why hasn't she done a sukkah on her show? Trust me, I looked. Plus, I have trouble believing that anyone who's done as many Christmas crafts as she has is Jewish, but then Neil Diamond and Barbra Streisand have both put out Christmas albums, so ...

  2. I don't think she's Jewish, but who knows... Here's a GREAT way to get decorations on the cheap--buy strings of lights when they go on sale right after Christmas. They look pretty AND are pretty useful on dark nights!

  3. I didn't find out anything about her being Jewish, but I did find out she's been hit by lightning three times =) I'm good at crafts, maybe next year I can come out and help with that part!
